One element of success, he says, is choosing an intriguing image for the still-frame that represents each video on a site, enticing visitors to play it.
The project aims to introduce the public to mathematics through beautiful and intriguing images found throughout the fields of math.
The eels were my favorites, and they provided the most intriguing image of the wanderer's struggles.
It is a very intriguing image, one that grows on you the more you look at it.
His image, seductive and intriguing, rose before her eyes.
A sudden and very intriguing image rose before my eyes: Del and Sabra.
This dual personality makes for an intriguing image and takes full advantage of all the sculpture's possibilities.
Unfortunately, he is often distracted from battle by an intriguing image that he feels he must paint.
Franits calls it one of his most intriguing images.
"Going to the mattresses" was one of their favorites, an expression which never ceased to conjure intriguing images to my mind.