Skipping down to the C's, I selected the intriguing name of Cavebear.
A number of readers want their names used as characters; I limit that, but do use some intriguing names on occasion.
Yet another polygonum has the intriguing name lady's-thumb (P. persicaria).
Perhaps the intriguing name of this alphabet stems from the frustration of the reader trying to make sense of anything written in it!
"An intriguing name for a cat," Telemain said, bending over to pick up Nightwitch.
There was no body, no crime - nothing more concrete than an anonymous letter and the intriguing name of Smith.
But the most intriguing name to surface was Mr. Silverman's.
Meanwhile, the most intriguing name on the leader board was Nicklaus.
But there are intriguing names going back and forth.
The illusion had been banished when Luna was physically explored, and perhaps even before then, but the intriguing names had remained.