Initially, he develops a liking for Maria as she is beautiful and has an intriguing personality.
Except for the psychologically tortured Gayer, who recently let a criminal get away, none of the characters are shaping up as intriguing personalities.
The film's two most intriguing personalities aren't so easily classified.
Nonetheless, Mr. Barry writes smooth dialogue, and each individual character has been given an intriguing personality.
She has been referred to by the alternative music press as being one of the most intriguing personalities of the extreme music subculture.
He is considered one of the Tour's most intriguing personalities, the stoic son of a professional golfer.
With intriguing personalities and talent spreading to more teams, there is an air of uncertainty about this year's Round of 16.
From the beginning he had found Ella Zielinsky an intriguing personality.
Boris travels around the globe and interviews the art world's most intriguing personalities.
Bramer is one of the most intriguing personalities in seventeenth-century Dutch art.