As well as seeing the artworks, I spotted beautiful houses and intriguing old shops and workshops that I had never noticed before.
Manhattan has plenty of intriguing shops that sell traditional clothing (and modern versions of it) from around the world.
A Map This intriguing shop is ideal for fun adult toys (no, not those sort) that look good but don't have much purpose.
Easily the area's most intriguing shop, Raven is a small two-story cottage packed with wildly designed clocks, antique lamps, recycled glass ornaments, jewelry and other curios.
A favorite of young in-town types, families and Emory University students, it centers on the section of cafes and intriguing shops at Virginia Avenue and Highland Avenue.
The streets of Rethymnon's old town are narrow and cobbled, filled with intriguing shops and much of everyday Cretan life is concentrated on the old harbour front and promenade here.
There's something delightful to be found around almost every corner, from quaint old buildings and intriguing shops to abundant hollyhocks and gnarled old grapevines that still abound.
Predictably, intriguing shops are beginning to emerge, and the place is rife with nightclubs.
As she arranged and rearranged displays, she wracked her brains to come up with a workable concept to turn Pretenses from an intriguing little secondhand shop into a star.
One of the more intriguing shops in Hong Kong is also there.