The sensation is intriguingly complex and piquant but not searingly so, because the rich fish buffers the peppers.
Our shuttles' audio sensors have recorded some intriguingly complex calls, though nothing the translators have been able to interpret yet.
It's plod, plod, plod all the way, as Thanet painstakingly dissects the victim's unlovable character and reconstructs her intriguingly complex relationships with the villagers.
She manages to make something intriguingly complex with a great economy of means and her newest work may be seen at Curt Marcus until the end of the month.
They look like tiny dried cattails and have an intriguingly complex impact.
The nightclub personality Ms. Prince displays is an intriguingly complex mixture of the demure and the brassy.
While wandering the island, visitors can inspect the intriguingly complex elf houses created by the island children out of moss and stones and twigs.
While all three were intriguingly complex, the edge went to tom yum goong for its exquisite balance of elusive flavors and incendiary undertow.
Many have found the resulting photographs intriguingly complex, while others have likened them to scenes from television soap operas.
The relationship between art and commerce, a sub-theme of the fashion-illustration exhibition, becomes intriguingly complex at the Richard Meyer African Arts Gallery in SoHo.