There was nothing intrinsically difficult about boiling down twelve hundred names and finding one sole perpetrator.
It is intrinsically difficult to write about a writer, and Gale E. Christianson has tackled one of the most gifted essayists of all time, Loren Eiseley.
This value is significantly higher than those of bulk RuB or RuB, but it has to be confirmed independently, as measurements on superhard materials are intrinsically difficult.
"Earthquakes," he said, "are a kind of rupture phenomenon, and forecasting their occurrence is intrinsically difficult."
Separating out 'basal groups', such as the earliest land plants, is intrinsically difficult, since at this stage they contain many shared characters (plesiomorphies) which are not sufficient to distinguish them.
But, even more important, the teaching he had given them was itself intrinsically difficult both to understand and convey.
The rate of heterospecific transmission is intrinsically difficult to measure directly because the risk of exposure and colonization per meal is very small.
By making intrinsically difficult comparisons nearly impossible, dealers augment their power over the market.
What should be done when complexity makes an important public-health effect intrinsically difficult to measure?
The issue of handling missing data is intrinsically difficult because it requires a large proportion of missing data to investigate a method.