Every codec introduces a delay in the transmission.
The large distance also introduces a significant delay, of 0.25 seconds, into communications.
One introduces a 0.2 second delay between tracks, even those that are consecutive to a given album.
In some cases the drive will take two steps to write data rather than one and introduce a delay of about 5 milliseconds.
On the other hand, angular inertia, and therefore large scale, generally degrades stability, because it introduces a delay.
All Sisko had to do was introduce a delay.
However, the telephone system introduces a small delay known as latency that interferes with this process.
Deinterlacing techniques require complex processing and thus can introduce a delay into the video feed.
Heatherington's solution to this problem was to introduce a delay on either side of the escape sequence, meaning that only a would trigger the switch.
All forms of stalling introduce a delay before the processor can resume execution.