The speaker elements must operate ultrasonically to avoid introducing (high levels of) audible artifacts, and this means ultrasonic airwaves are inevitable.
JPEG compression can introduce ringing artifacts at sharp transitions, which are particularly visible in text.
Particle mesh Ewald summation is one solution for this effect, but introduces artifacts of its own.
The definition of the cutoff between short- and long-range interactions can also introduce artifacts.
Any differences in sampling rate or encoding between transmitter and receiver introduces errors or artifacts in the resulting signal.
Even the most careful fixation does alter the sample and introduce artifacts that can interfere with interpretation of cellular ultrastructure.
This solves the problem of motion artifacts, reduces the vertical chroma resolution by half, and can introduce comb-like artifacts in the image.
In such a case, however, ratios are not optimal estimators because the low denominator value introduces large artifacts [ 8 ] .
Quality control tasks are intended to verify that analysis steps have not introduced errors or artifacts into the results.
While increasing bit depth is usually lossless, increasing image size can introduce aliasing or other undesired artifacts.