It was introduced as a successor of an earlier model, the chrome phone Nokia 8810.
This was introduced in 2007 as a more road-biased successor to the Tiger 955i, which it's tempting to call a big-capacity trail bike.
The Nokia 1011 continued production until 1994, when Nokia 2110 was introduced as a successor.
In 1934, the company introduced its newest and more powerful P107 model as a successor to the Citroën-Kégresse P17.
It was introduced in 1906 as a successor to the Models A and C as the company's inexpensive entry-level line.
The production hatchback versions were introduced to the European markets in 2001 as a successor to the Peugeot 306.
The DAF 66 was introduced as a successor to the 55.
She decided to conceive a child with Namor and introduce him as a successor to the Atlantean throne.
The V-150M was introduced in 1966 as a successor to the VP150.
The 321 was introduced at the start of 1939 as a successor to the BMW 320.