Although Sean is introduced very early in the story, he is not the novel's central character.
A ray of hope is introduced in the story with the arrival of a young Finnish woman, but it all ends in misery.
He is first introduced in the story when Mizuki goes home for new years and is greeted by a runaway patient of her fathers.
Pricilianno, the first boy introduced in the story, has a very strong bond with his father.
The second boy introduced in the story, Ángel, is ashamed of his mother, who is a prostitute.
Goliath-The second robot introduced in the story (comic 10) and something of a giant.
"We're introducing the prince too early in the story; it's not his story," he said.
Hindu wrote:"to his credit Ameer has introduced an element of suspense in the story.
An item, character or location is introduced early in the story, and then largely forgotten about.
Virginia de Villa Franca is introduced late in the story.