He wore a great beard and according to Toltec tradition introduced science and learning to the natives.
Introducing math and science together is such a revolutionary concept.... They didn't do it at my school.
Cobo also "has the distinction of being the first to introduce European philosophy and science to China, at least in print."
Similarly the Elves faded, having introduced 'art and science'.
"When you introduce too much science into it you lose the individuality."
He is attributed to a rising roll and introducing elementary science to the curriculum.
He is noted for having introduced western veterinary science to Meiji period Japan in the late 19th century.
He introduced science into the affairs of his employer by inventing a new science, traffic science.
The mission was opened to introduce Western medical science among the natives(Tamil people) of the districts.
To introduce bad science into a course on science is a bad thing.