He introduced the practice of skiing to his circle of friends at Grenoble, leading to the creation of the first ski club in France.
AND now let the reader, passing over some short period of time, be introduced to our happy circle.
In 1881 she met Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach who introduced her to her literary circle.
Immediately convinced of the genuineness of the sisters' communications, they became early converts and introduced the young mediums to their circle of radical Quaker friends.
Around this time he met Hans Hartung, who introduced him to his circle of friends.
They introduced the girls to their circle of radical friends, and almost all became ardent believers in the emerging religion of Spiritualism.
As you know, I've planned a small dinner party in St. James's Square next week, a perfect op- portunity to introduce her to my circle of friends.
Mykola Lysenko would introduce Stetsenko to his circle of intellectuals saying "This is who will replace me after my death.
Later Bobby shows up and Ward introduces him to his "circle of power", a bunch of nerdy teenagers who all wear purple robes.
Scott introduced G. to his online circle, which included his brother, Mike, and several other friends: Kyle, Kevin, Troy.