It was a female companion of his father who introduced him to theater.
Dr. Nurse credits his wife, Anne, a teacher, with introducing him to theater, politics and philosophy.
He was introduced to musical theater at a young age and decided to become an actor in 1987.
This would introduce many students to theater who may not otherwise be able to see a show because of the cost.
She also traveled to Europe, where she was introduced to the vanguard art, music, theater and literature of the day.
While she worked, Uncle Sanny took over, and introduced his nephew to theater.
Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, Moore was introduced to theater at a young age and developed a passion for performing on stage.
He introduced the children to theater through dramatic games and exercises in the classroom and by staging a production of the students' original work.
Following the merger, she continued to work with the Fulton Academy, which worked to introduce children to theater and acting.
Both labs introduce teenagers to professional theater.