However, his introductory comments on Daniel 7 added 756 as an alternative commencement date.
Original version of the poem with introductory comments in French.
The introductory comments to his Remarks focus exclusively on this issue.
The ghannejja usually begin with an introductory comment about who is taking part in the session.
Not only that; her introductory comments reveal an almost childlike enthusiasm for art and its makers.
A few introductory comments about Italian operatic practices might be of interest at this point.
There were introductory comments by Gerald Arpino, co-founder of the company and its artistic director.
After that introductory comment, may I also hand out a few bouquets.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, please let me make three introductory comments.
Based on this very positive background of broad agreement between Parliament and the Commission, let me make some introductory comments on the three specific issues.