In this introductory discussion, my concern has been to stress the need for empathy and the difficulties in achieving it in relation to old people.
An introductory discussion of temperature as a manifestation of kinetic theory.
Next comes the subject of Recollection, in dealing with which we must assume as fundamental the truths elicited above in our introductory discussions.
Most sneak circuits reported from production systems are too complex to describe in an introductory discussion.
His piece is supported by an introductory discussion of neurotransmitters, written by the British neurochemist H. F. Bradford.
He got through most of the introductory discussion of the Poynting veCtor, ignoring the buzz of whispers at his back.
-Very readable introductory discussion on passivity in control systems.
See for example the introductory discussion on pages 3 to 9 of Downing's Biomarkers and surrogate endpoints: clinical research and applications.
This section provides an introductory discussion of some of the factors influencing inert gas uptake and elimination in living tissues.
The hosts would then sit down at another table and open the show on an introductory discussion and set-up to the planned topics for the week's show.