Even the sometimes introspective lyrics move at breakneck speed.
With this release the band moved away from the political nature of some of their previous songs in favor of more introspective lyrics.
Its introspective, wistful lyrics describe "loving someone, but having to break up with them anyway."
It combines dark, often keyboard-heavy music with introspective and depressing lyrics.
These relationship changes were reflected in the group's music, with later compositions including more introspective lyrics.
Hetfield displayed a lyrical evolution as well, writing what many feel to be his most personal and introspective lyrics.
It features songs littered with introspective lyrics, generating controversies about Michael's personal relationships at that time.
The album was somewhat of a departure from his previous album's sexual innuendos, featuring slightly more introspective lyrics.
The album displays a tendency towards a more "polished" sound and more introspective lyrics.
The autobiographical and introspective lyrics helped to earn the album its critical praise.