I had high expectations for myself, and I was a pretty introverted person who wasn't necessarily used to the spotlight.
He was a theologian of great erudition but an extremely introverted person who kept to himself.
Fellow musicians often described Ohlin as a quiet and introverted person.
In contrast, the introverted person is concerned with the space between people and objects.
He is described as being an introverted person who limited the information he shared about his personal life.
He's an introverted person and is not forthcoming with questions.
Even the most introverted person alive is constantly hungry for human association.
Ryan is found to be a very introverted person.
"She was a very introverted person, and she had to hide in order to let this expressiveness out."
Smith felt that the character needed to be a quiet and rather introverted person who does not burn himself out at every possible instance.