George's moody and introverted personality, evident throughout his pro career, sped his exit from Washington.
He is not known to have kept company with any ladies, and his shyness and introverted personality increased over time.
Wen is said to have an introverted personality.
This treatment had caused his naturally introverted personality to become even more withdrawn.
Yuki has a very stoic and introverted personality, preferring simple body language rather than speaking.
Franklin had an introverted personality and began withdrawing from society after her death.
In the films, Dr. Grant has an introverted personality and doesn't like children.
Instead, this may have been the outward manifestation of his introverted personality.
She developed an introverted and contemplative personality, often spending her time admiring nature around the hacienda.
He was known for his enigmatic and introverted personality often appearing or disappearing from a room unnoticed, or being completely lost in thought.