Unable to speak a word or even touch him, ashamed to intrude further on a grief past comprehending.
Was Larry Flynt intruding further into our mainstream politics?
As if afraid of intruding further on his privacy.
The real reason for the compulsory exercise, some students believed, was to further intrude into their free time in an already highly regimented day.
Boar in Germany are also said to be becoming increasingly 'brazen' and intrude further into cities, for example Berlin.
Having plundered their tomb and disturbed their rest, we did not care to intrude further on the unburied dead.
But I'll not intrude further on one whose mission requires that he travel incognito.
Well, I had other things to tend, and would intrude no further.
At length he 'pathed: 'Would you object if we intruded still further on your minds for a while by means of a telepathic link?
Poor singers today with orchestras intruding further and further into the house!