President Clinton chose the least intrusive form of intervention - cruise missiles - to try to stabilize this situation for at least a few more months.
Fifty-five percent supported mandatory drug testing (a particularly intrusive form of search) for everyone and 67 percent favored it for all high school students.
This choice is made based upon the least intrusive form of contours that enable the reader to decipher the background information in the map itself.
"Executive protection is the most intrusive form of security," Mr. Kurtz said.
The least intrusive, yet most ubiquitous form of political education is propaganda, which may be conveyed via the media, in political meetings, or through a school curriculum.
Moscow has suggested some highly intrusive forms of inspection that the Pentagon opposes.
In recent months, as online ad spending has tailed off, many sites have been experimenting with creative, intrusive, sometimes downright obnoxious forms of advertising.
Neo-granite, dolerite, and quartz in intrusive forms are also found in the district.
The most intrusive form of manipulation of histrionics derives from their need to be the center of attention.
The gigantic circles of the farms impose more regular but equally intrusive forms on the landscape.