As Cooper points out, the intrusive presence of the mobile can wreck trips and spoil relationships.
The mission's often intrusive presence has provided the only reliable protection and support the country's independent journalists and jurists and human rights organizations have known.
An hour had passed when the door opened and Cogline en- tered the room, an intrusive presence that made the silence seem even more uncomfortable.
There are certainly compelling arguments to be made against such an intrusive presence.
Their intrusive presence is resented by South Koreans who believe that such constant vigilance is unnecessary and insulting.
However, she complimented the carrier for its less intrusive presence on the Rhyme in comparison to past devices.
Thomas felt Ship's intrusive presence withdraw, but he knew that nothing had been taken away.
He felt some faint stirring of something outside it, a painful, intrusive presence, and shrank back into the shelter of the dark.
When Alison was at home she was an intrusive presence.
Balanchine may have come to regard him as an intrusive presence, for in 1976 he eliminated the role.