He said that the increased security at airports was understandable, but that intrusive searches should not be based solely on appearance or ethnicity.
It was not clear whether this took place before or after at least one thorough, highly intrusive search of Ortega's office.
A reliable system would also be embraced by the airlines, which fear that the intrusive searches at checkpoints now are driving away passengers.
Overly intrusive searches, like a body cavity search, require probable cause.
Whether that general tolerance of intrusive searches and longer security delays will endure indefinitely is another question, but for now there aren't many dissenters.
There she will be subjected to an intrusive search - and presented with a hefty bill for the emergency service.
Furthermore, the court noted that the Fourth Amendment only protected against intrusive searches of the person, but not the vehicle, at the border.
He ruled that the practice amounted to an "excessively intrusive" search prohibited by the Constitution.
Long-term monitoring would replace intrusive searches for evidence of past programs.
As a result, frequent fliers, routinely taken aside for intrusive and time-consuming searches, became irritated, and some found alternate ways to travel.