The Blues One thing that separates intuitive artists from hacks and "players" is their difficulty doing even mediocre work when their cylinders aren't firing.
But it is too facile to think of such an intuitive artist as some sort of idiot savant.
Mr. Wilson has claimed to be an intuitive artist, not even knowing why certain images come to his mind.
Still, he remains a profoundly emotional, intuitive artist, and any attempt to chart specific trends in his work are probably doomed to failure.
Zaz is a popular, intuitive artist, who is familiar with music, who can sing, but doing a quality show is something else (...).
Experts often call them visionary, self-taught or intuitive artists.
But the term "outsider" has been expanded to include all kinds of self-taught, visionary and intuitive artists.
Those who think of him solely as an intuitive artist will be surprised at the meticulous quality of his writing, self-editing and rewriting.
But Bolcom is an intuitive artist, not an intellectual one, and audiences sense that and respond to it.
"Both of us are intuitive artists who then become analytical," Goldenthal says.