It was an odd thing to say, but the others sensed its meaning for they shared the same intuitive awareness.
Baillargeon is perhaps best known for her research that has shown that infants have an intuitive awareness of physical laws such as solidity, containment, and occlusion.
Emphasis on the rime also supports the development of an intuitive, and therefore more fluent, awareness of orthographic patterns.
This profound sense of destiny which has influenced her life gives her an intuitive awareness that she has been singled out for a special role.
She knelt on the ground beside him, and something, the intuitive awareness of her presence, caused him to open his eyes.
A state of consciousness which varies in qualify and duration from a flash of intuitive awareness to Nirvana (q.v.).
An awareness of this shift, intellectual or intuitive, distinguishes the work of today's best designers.
Her work is distinguished by a meticulous attention to detail for fashion and styling and intuitive awareness of the demands of each production.
Strength, skill, extreme flexibility, perfect balance, intuitive spacial awareness and a high pain threshold are essential.
Mr. Price's Haskell is a quick learner, filled with common sense and an intuitive awareness that transcends cultural and linguistic differences.