It all comes down to the intuitive connection with Wilson that one performer may feel and another may not.
Whether or not he is obnoxious, Green does seem to lack the empathy, the intuitive connection, that makes Bill Clinton such a great politician.
We had an intuitive connection and understanding.
He was renowned for his intuitive connection to the audience.
The evening's best performances aspired to a similar intuitive connection between the singer and composer.
The two feel an intuitive connection, but Zorro, though his heart is breaking, cannot acknowledge his paternity.
The intuitive connection he'd felt to something larger than he or Thia or even his own bondmates.
He also developed extended series of photographs related not by shared subject matter or narrative links, but by formal and intuitive connections.
Racing cars, it soon becomes apparent, requires both quick reflexes and an intuitive connection to the vehicle.
"I made a strong, intuitive connection with her," Ms. Rogers said.