We know but little about this life, namely, that which is accessible to our senses, that to which our reason leads us, and that which our intuitive faculties enable us to behold.
Why can't buildings benefit from the intuitive faculty associated with art?
These people, skilled as they might be in other types of endeavor, and practiced as they might be at sprouts, nevertheless lacked his own intuitive analytic faculty.
She also possesses heightened intuitive faculties enabling her to guess correctly significantly higher than chance.
Supposed to have an intuitive faculty where gems are concerned.
Just allow your intuitive faculties to operate, open your heart and be honest with yourself and the landscape.
These are representative of the intellectual and intuitive cognitive faculties.
By focusing on the more spiritual aspects of religion, Sufis strive to obtain direct experience of God by making use of "intuitive and emotional faculties" that one must be trained to use.
More than one person there suspects, as Jim told you, that I solve my cases with some inner magic, with some mysterious intuitive faculty that defies analysis.
We Southern people have wonderful intuitive faculties.