In 1997 our reviewer, Lee Siegel, called this a "beautiful and essential book" by an author with an "exacting and intuitive gift of description."
She prided herself on her ability to sum people up, but she wondered whether this was not something that many women had, as part of the intuitive gift.
She keeps Serenity running with an intuitive gift for the workings of mechanical equipment.
And through it all, he seems to have kept his perspective as sharp as his hauntingly intuitive directorial gifts.
Rolling Stone has described her as "a songwriting savant with an intuitive gift for verse-chorus-bridge architecture".
Ted had an intuitive gift for selecting material, finding the right sound and honing the 'feel' of a song.
Almodovar's special intuitive gift for seeing into the lives of women is "a grace which God gave me," and something few male directors share.
This is the intuitive gift of a good policeman translated to a new medium.
He made up for a lack of formal training with an intuitive gift and a keen eye.
He had all the intuitive gifts of wild creatures, as alert by night as by day.