The program also included a "Sound Journey," which billed itself as an "intuitive musical response" to the space and the listeners present.
If you see yourself as growing and evolving, yours is a God of the intuitive response.
Any God who encourages human beings to reach their full potential stems from the intuitive response.
The intuitive response calls upon the inner world for more than peace and calm.
Second hearings add resonance to intuitive responses, if indeed something is there to resound.
Her process focuses instead on intuitive responses to materials, whether natural or manufactured, and the creation of forms that mimic organic growth.
Heuristic processes are quick intuitive responses to basic questions such as frequency.
Interestingly, this intuitive response has been borne out by science (see page 8).
"It's an intuitive response to the subject," she said when asked how she decided which pile of junk to paint.
In universities, improvisation is being taught as instant composing rather than the intuitive response by the musician to the moment at hand.