Botero is an abstract artist in the most fundamental sense, choosing colors, shapes, and proportions based on intuitive aesthetic thinking.
In fact, all this so-called intuitive thinking is going to come to a halt rather quickly, as soon as I figure out how to stop it.
The focus is on attaining the true nature of all beings directly through intuitive thinking.
This intuitive thinking is based on seeing the changing world of experience which is conditioned by never-ending variations in time and space.
Now, I like to encourage intuitive thinking in my officers, but I want more than that.
They support guesswork and intuitive thinking in learners (Brown et al.1989; Ackerman 1996).
Children get lots of analytical thinking, but no intuitive thinking.
Any kind of intuitive thinking at its various stages of expression is strongly related to Samyama-like phenomena as well.
How does a cetacean, whose heritage, whose very brain is built on intuitive thinking, learn to analyze a complex problem, piece by piece?
However, the critical moral thinking underpins and informs the more intuitive moral thinking.