Over some years she was much occupied with the care of her mother and an invalid sister.
She raised George after his parents died and has been caring for her invalid sister for many years.
I spoke to Nurse Vesh, but she's going to Northdyke to be with an invalid sister.
Only Paul and his invalid sister, Lois, remained with their mother.
The daughter of a once-wealthy family, Amelia lives with her hysterical, invalid sister in a big, Victorian, cobalt-blue house.
Born William Tockman, Clock King spends his early years taking care of his invalid sister.
The invalid sister of a major drug dealer was killed early yesterday morning when their mother's home in Queens was firebombed, the police said.
The brother no longer visits the beloved invalid sister.
After that she looked after an invalid sister for a while.
I had already learned that you had once been left a Pekinese dog and had an invalid sister.