With the information contained in the invariant bilinear forms one can easily list all simple -modules:
It makes it possible to write differential equations on sections of a fiber bundle in an invariant form.
They have a symmetric invariant bilinear form (,).
The main tensorial invariant of a connection form is its curvature form.
It is 0 exactly when the irreducible representation has no invariant bilinear form, which is equivalent to saying that its character is not always real.
It is 1 exactly when the irreducible representation has a symmetric invariant bilinear form.
Thus the free energy density can be expressed as the invariant form of , , and :
The laws of physics can be expressed in a generally invariant form.
Hence it is possible to define the pullbacks of the invariant forms from F(n):
To complete the description of real representation, we must describe how these structures interact with the invariant bilinear forms.