Liggett's services in the Philippines included setting up a staff ride in 1914 to study possible invasion sites on Luzon.
Some 600 cyclists are expected on the "Liberty Road" bike trail to visit invasion sites, accompanied by military vehicles of the 1940's.
Two days to rally their forces and dispatch them to the invasion sites.
Operations included both real reconnaissance and demolition at the actual invasion site, and feints to create the illusion of landings in other locations.
Where is the invasion site?
Other accounts attest that the operation was named after Draguignan, a city near the invasion site.
There are optional shore excursions to Caen and the Museum of Peace, Utah Beach and other invasion sites.
The chosen invasion sites ran from Rottingdean in the west to Hythe in the east.
The Coast Guard frigate's role of escorting convoys from the staging areas to the invasion sites likewise was crucial.
By the spring of 1943, Morgan and his planners had settled on Normandy, west of the mouth of the Orne River, as the invasion site.