Drug-eluting stents and thrombolytic drug therapy are less invasive options for less severe cases.
One of the less invasive options may be preferred in a patient with many comorbidities, who is at high risk for surgery.
Endovascular stenting is a less invasive option.
They're losing ground to less invasive options, such as injectable fillers or laser therapies.
Radiofrequency ablation is a much less invasive option.
This will vary from case to case, but it may be one of the lesser invasive options.
Another, less invasive option is laser treatment to thin the plaques of Peyronie's disease.
Other minimally invasive options for reducing the size of or removing hemorrhoids include:
She was considering more invasive options when she heard the Doctor's unnerving question directed toward Kathryn.
For a more invasive option, consider laser resurfacing.