However, non-routine or invasive searches, like slashing open the spare tire of a car or cutting open a metal panel in a car, require reasonable suspicion (United States v. Flores-Montano).
In other cases, she argued, the Court had allowed minimally invasive searches under the Fourth Amendment in the face of strong governmental interests.
Conversely, future technological advances, such as satellite surveillance or cell phone tracking, may enable the police to conduct equally invasive searches without a technical trespass.
While I attempted to make conditions bearable for our invasive search, Elias wandered about the room, examining books upon the shelves and touching Bloathwait's artifacts.
Coverage of the documents by the Toronto Star "sparked widespread opposition as Canadians worry about the prospect of a trade deal that could lead to invasive searches of personal computers and increased surveillance of online activities".
His legal team argued at a Supreme Court hearing earlier this month that his Fourth Amendment rights, which are meant to protect US citizens from invasive searches, were violated.
The brief argued that the government's position and current practice subjects travelers to unconstitutional invasive searches of laptops and other devices.
Regan v. Salt Lake County: A class action challenging invasive searches, including strip searches, of women held on minor violations at the Salt Lake County Jail.
Although 670,000 passengers passed through this holiday week, the lines moved quickly, and passengers complained more about delayed flights than invasive searches.
He questioned whether even a minimally invasive search was justified if it was not effective.