They knew that terror or malice might inspire accused people to invent imaginary crimes and conceal real ones.
I'm not going to invent crimes.
Or had Maisie invented even more ghastly crimes for him.
"Their aim is not so much to make you invent nonexistent crimes, but to make you accept your ordinary life, as you led it, as rotten and sinful and worthy of punishment."
Instead of simply omitting unprovable, supernatural events, she invents crimes that believably suit the evidence.
However, it has concerns that political pressure on the Court would lead it to reinterpret international law or to "invent new crimes".
Shame on everyone involved - you don't invent crimes for the sake of setting a desired precedent for future cases.
Defining crimes: It's hard to believe, but the administration wants Congress to allow the secretary of defense to invent crimes for which prisoners may be tried.
"Tell me, has the future invented new crimes besides murder and war?"