Archimedes or somebody like that did it for Earth, thousands of years before anyone ever invented higher mathematics.
Thus humans do not invent mathematics, but rather discover it, and any other intelligent beings in the universe would presumably do the same.
In inventing mathematics, they contend, people also used "linking metaphors" to connect two sets of ideas.
In a millenium or less, a comparatively short time, they invented their own writing, astronomy and mathematics, including the zero.
That Cambridge graduate student was Paul A. M. Dirac inventing new mathematics to merge Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity with Max Planck's quantum theory.
Mankind did not invent mathematics nor discover it.
God didn't invent mathematics.
I am afraid, commander, that some of your fellow citizens feel that just because my people invented advanced mathematics and allday camping we are complete barbarians who'd try to buy their wives at the drop of, shall we say, a turban.
I wish," mused Jimmy, "that I could have got to the bird who invented mathematics before he inflicted all this unnecessary anguish upon an already unhappy world.
Who invented mathematics?