Scientists began in earnest to invent solutions to the missing mass a decade ago.
"There were so many great people working on it, inventing new solutions."
This, he said, might inspire more people to invent solutions to their problems.
During her Peace Corps service she was struck by the fact that "the most needy are often the least empowered to invent solutions to their problems."
BioRegional is an entrepreneurial charity, which aims to invent and deliver practical solutions for sustainability.
He has invented the answers and solutions of Fortune, Luck & Destiny by applying his 41 years research.
They've invented really cool solutions to common problems.
The program grants selected high schools up to $10,000 to invent technological solutions to real-world problems.
Perhaps those generations will invent new solutions to make the problems we leave them seem academic.
Money rolled in, even though fans of "Gone with the Wind," the book and the movie, had been inventing better solutions on their own for decades.