But where does his 'adaptability', or his colleague Ranger's 'flexibility' end, and invention begin?
Mr. Wright's invention begins with a still camera that takes scores of pictures of every angle of the face.
The invention begins at the first read-through, with most performers a downbeat occasion.
His invention begins with a plastic pipe that is driven perpendicularly into the ground near the plant to be fertilized.
Whatever the ultimate cause, inventions, at first especially in textile manufacture, began to made by a few innovators which greatly improved labour productivity.
When his safety system prevented Otis from plummeting to the ground, his invention began to be considered for passenger use.
However, the invention of television and a move to the suburban movie houses began to threaten The Paramount in the 1960s.
In the area of computer programming, the invention of the Linux operating system began as a student's hobby.
Mr. Horovitz's invention begins with an irresistible explanation for the encounter of the three characters.
Technological inventions began to obsess Armand, one after the other.