There are new inventions called Keller machines.
In fact, it was about to topple, thanks to antitrust litigation and to an insidious little invention called television.
In either case, Barbier willingly shared his invention called "night writing" which was a code of dots and dashes impressed into thick paper.
In this article, we'll look at an invention called Aqualim (as in, "water limiter").
Only one dish, an invention called Connecticut roll, didn't work.
A freed Guy presents one of his inventions called shoes.
"Ballyhoo" came wrapped in a new invention called cellophane, and carried the slogan: "Read a fresh magazine."
A mischievous wizard one day came up with an invention called Ghost Ink that held great power.
They also jeopardize the invaluable invention called exit polls - interviews with a cross section of voters who have just voted.
You know, they've got this new invention called 'air conditioning,- 'Never saw the need.