But inventive chefs have come up with other ideas, including basil oil, red pepper oil or mashed roasted garlic cloves.
But inventive chefs have discovered that the foaming nozzle on a high-powered espresso machine can do double-duty in a creative kitchen.
As for the cooking, the inventive chef, Gray Kunz, fuses the cuisines of East and West in a dazzling way.
Our country's most inventive chefs are becoming increasingly aware of this "tradition," which explains "weird" food making its way onto our plates.
Under the rules, inventive chefs might also be exempted as creative professionals.
These inventive chefs may vary greatly in style and background, but they all share an abiding respect for those who toiled before them.
Even the most inventive chef is likely to turn to his mother's recipes, perhaps with just a bit of fine-tuning, for the festive feast.
But nothing is old-fashioned about the food these two inventive chefs turn out.
But tomorrow Gilt, the hotel's new restaurant, will open its doors, serving food by Paul Liebrandt, an inventive young chef.
Its most inventive chefs?