And Bruno, having quite exhausted all his inventive faculty, by beginning in too great a hurry, quietly resigned himself to listening.
Because it is less strain on the inventive faculties!
Is the "inventive faculty" of "voting early and often" a passport to political brotherhood?
Certainly these Ana are wonderful mathematicians- wonderful for the adaptation of the inventive faculty to practical uses.
Good responded nobly to the tax upon his inventive faculties.
His inventive faculty was fully occupied and he made many improvements in telephone central-station apparatus.
The thugs then proceeded to exercise their inventive faculties developed by long practice.
"A pleasant conceit, Monsieur ... and one that does infinite credit to your inventive faculties."
If Cooper had been an observer his inventive faculty would have worked better; not more interestingly, but more rationally, more plausibly.
That shyster and his designing client must, at the last moment, have exerted their inventive faculties to a remarkable degree!