Complete recordings, which often toss in Beethoven's three inventive sets of variations for cello and piano, keep appearing.
Kristin Hanggi, the director, has staged the show nicely, with the help of David Gallo's inventive set (crosses everywhere!)
The violence done to Tom Cairns's inventive set, like the aftermath of an explosion, is an apt symbol of the turmoil in the characters' brains.
A form like a pipe makes the aorta and is reminiscent of the inventive set of bull's horns by Picasso.
It's just one playful component of Matt Saunders's inventive set.
The result is one of their most consistently inventive and musically varied sets.
Anita Stewart did the attractive, inventive sets.
Heidi Ettinger's wonderfully inventive set, a metamorphosing rococo maze rendered in green terry cloth, does indeed shimmer with theatrical wit.
A haphazard, sometimes ridiculous, but often impressively inventive new set.
James Noone's inventive sets have their own lurid spark and humor.