The clear southern preference for profit over politics could make it a place where foreign companies willing to invest hard cash are able to do business.
These are pools that invest excess corporate cash with an emphasis on the short-term period.
Though it looked all right, there was an astonishing amount that needed doing, but miracles can happen if you invest enough cash in them.
The art promoter donated the building; the painter and the executive invested cash for their spaces.
A real stock market should develop, and the shareholders, who have invested cash, are likely to throw their weight behind change.
The council says it would invest cash to make the facilities suitable, but service users are unconvinced.
But the warrant holders would have had to invest additional cash to get the dividend.
Both lender-investor and owner-investors have invested cash or its equivalent into the company.
Theater owners invested not cash but other tangible assets: the house, the tickets and the crew.
Ms. Banta said that some local entrepreneurs developed a business plan to improve the store's long-term standing and also invested cash.