Because income inequality is greater here, there is a wider disparity between what rich and poor parents can invest in their children.
Those widening differences have left the educated and affluent in a superior position when it comes to investing in their children.
In President-elect Bush's campaign, he stood strong for investing in our children, and I stand at his side.
Our program for the future must be built around a strategy of investing in our children.
Unfortunately, we would rather buy some new bling than invest in our children.
Men, who invest less in their children, have less reason to prefer mates with high social status.
Another recent study found that adoptive families invested more heavily in their adopted children, for example, by providing further education and financial support.
First of all, we must invest in our children.
We need, like never before, to invest in our children.
Men generally invest in their children by providing food, protection, and care.