At the same time Microsoft was in the process of massively investing in DirectX 7.0 (similar to 3.0 largely in name only).
I'm no apologist for new labour, but they did invest massively in education, and achieved a great deal in primary education at least.
Then a company they previously worked with, Ankama Games, offered to massively invest into Nolife without taking control over the company.
IBM moved towards sales rather than renting; it placed greater emphasis on software; it invested massively in automated factories.
And it also depends on how quickly companies decide they can afford to invest massively in information technology again.
After independence the different governments of Cape Verde invested massively in education and illiteracy has been reduced drastically.
The only way out will be to invest massively and rapidly in energy-intelligent use and in renewable energy sources and materials.
China also invests massively in infrastructures in Africa.
At the same time, the United States and China are investing massively in green technologies to create the green jobs of tomorrow.
Both Shell and BP are investing massively in renewable energy technologies.