But there are not enough opportunities to invest profitably in Japan, forcing the outflow.
Many banks are reporting record earnings, largely because the difference between short-term and long-term interest rates allows them to profitably invest deposits in Government securities.
In 1807, William Flintham invested profitably in shipping some flaxseed to Ireland.
So managers are handicapped when floods of cash strain their attempts to invest profitably in a small universe.
So corporations found themselves with more cash flow than they could profitably invest internally.
Perhaps more significant, many limited partners now say venture capital firms are sitting on far more capital than they can invest profitably.
Last year, he was short the Nasdaq, long the euro and invested profitably in Russia.
As a result, these funds' managers quickly become swamped with more money than they can invest profitably, causing performance to suffer.
George Shenton also invested profitably in gold mining.
As their funds swelled in size, managers found it more difficult to invest profitably in a market of relatively modest size.