The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also investigating the case amid signs that maps are missing at other libraries that Mr. Smiley has visited over the years.
Since November, a grand jury in Baton Rouge has been investigating how the state awards licenses for riverboat casinos amid allegations that political ties are more important than economic merit.
This discretion was demonstrated on April 13, 2010 when she decided not to investigate Helena Guergis amid allegations of misconduct.
He also investigates the widespread forgery in the antiques market amid increased Japanese interest in genuine Americana.
Ofqual is now investigating the role of the advice sessions amid fears teachers are being given unfair help.
The department is still investigating some of those incidents amid accusations that some prisoners who were said to have committed suicide might have been murdered.
Police are investigating a former Asda supermarket worker amid allegations that he was caught on camera licking a raw chicken - then putting it back on the shelf.
Chan, in his position as a detective with the Honolulu Police Department, "investigates amid public clamor demanding that the murderer be found and punished immediately.
Authorities were investigating the city's purchasing director, Gus Lopez, amid concerns of bid rigging.