The Commission has also investigated trading irregularities and abusive short-selling practices.
The committee hauled in two miners from other shifts, to investigate working practices at the dog-hole mine.
He said the problems turned up while the union was investigating other practices.
During the 1830s, municipal corporations were investigated due to corrupt practices within the House of Commons.
Accountants are also investigating book-keeping practices which allowed the deficit to remain undiscovered.
The Justice Department is investigating possible anticompetitive practices in tissue pricing by paper companies.
He was a member of the commission to investigate alleged corrupt practices at Knaresborough in 1880.
Last summer, representatives of the band testified against the company before a House subcommittee investigating possible anti-competitive practices in the ticket distribution industry.
Falco arrives at Fishbourne and starts by investigating corrupt practices.
The Justice Department has said it is investigating "anti-competitive practices in the ticket distribution industry."