Following an investigation of Randell's role in the stock crash, prosecutors alleged that he had misrepresented the company's earnings.
Last week, the new government announced its own criminal investigation of Colonel Bouterse and his role in the killings.
An investigation of Lenin's role in the fate of the czar.
The police complaint said Mr. Briscoe also took part in the rape of the banker, and the grand jury is continuing its investigation of his role.
You call for a complete and thorough investigation of McCoy's role in this tragedy and the appointment, if necessary, of a special prosecutor.
If she had a shred of decency she would, in the very least step down allowing a full investigation of her role in the entire affair.
Fowler never faced formal charges and the investigation of his role ended without controversy.
In 2000, the military court conducting the investigation of Pleşiţă's role in the bombing stopped the investigation.
Paradoxically, government officials said today that a Justice Department official had recommended an investigation of Mr. Gore's role in 1996 campaign fund-raising.
The 37-page report was the result of an investigation of the banks' role in the affair.