"We had to learn from experience that torture, and mistreatment and degradation, do not work as investigation techniques."
An additional six week course provided scientific investigation techniques, photography, administration, accounting, canine handling and other related subjects.
- The strengthening and exchange of good practices and special investigation techniques.
This phase also used genetic investigation techniques based on DNA testing.
Many modern investigation techniques involved materials that fluoresced or are visible only under ultraviolet light.
A variety of investigation techniques may be used eg field studies, interviews, questionnaires, audio and video recording, etc.
It is recommended that those who have little or no experience of investigation techniques should complete 81218 Community Welfare 1.
Between mystery novels and newspaper crime accounts, he knew something about modern criminal investigation techniques, and how to thwart them.
But the teamwork in the Pennsylvania outbreak was porous, as lapses in investigation technique showed.
The 13-week fire marshal course includes criminal investigation techniques, weapons training and, he said, "putting into words what you've learned from experience about how fires behave."